With sad hearts and fond memories of our beloved pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge…

When one of our beloved pets pass away, that pet goes to a place called Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

ALL the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then together you and your special pet(s) cross the Rainbow Bridge.

#649 Sable

I had to say goodbye to my sweet girl Sable 2 weeks ago today. My heart is broken and I miss her so very much. Sable was my first Foster and first female Gsd. We connected in the first 2 weeks and knew she was the one I needed to adopt. The time we spent together was so special. She had some issues that we worked on, it was amazing how quickly she overcame them one by one. She was a quick learner and eager to please. We learned so much together. Sable loved her walks and rides to the park...

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#569 Terri

“Goodbyes hurt the most, when the story is not finished”…. It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Terry, GSRNE #569 has crossed the Rainbow bridge. We’re so sorry for your loss Karen and Ted.  We know you made Terry so very happy for the time he was with you. We know how much you miss your loyal and beautiful boy.  Terry was always happiest playing with his ball and being with his favorite human, Ted. They were always together and had a very special bond....

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#552 Elsi

Our beloved Elsi passed away just shy of her 2-year gotcha date with us. She would have turned 13 years old on November 23rd. We knew the moment we met her and learned her story that she would be our first foster “failure”. There was just something about the way she looked at us. Elsi had her share of loss before officially coming into GSRNE - her littermate brother “Bear” had passed away shortly before her human Mum, Tori. “Els” as Tori called her, spent the majority of her life supporting...

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#548 Brutus

Sweet old man Brutus was my first foster dog and stayed with me for the rest of his life. He became best friends with my younger male GSD Bogie, not something that was a foregone conclusion when Brutus arrived. Brutus had the old man grumbles when he moved around, stretched, or got belly rubs. He could spend all day rolling in the grass and sniffing the wind. He loved his slow walks, picking up sticks, and chewing tennis balls. Another favorite pastime was playing tug of war with a jolly...

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#546 Shiloh

We have been left broken-hearted with the passing of our beloved Shiloh. She brought so much joy and love into our home. As a puppy, Shiloh was neglected and mistreated until she was rescued and taken by GSRNE and placed in the loving care of her Foster Parents. In the spring of 2020, we started searching for a canine companion and came across the GSRNE website When saw Shiloh’s picture and read about her, we knew that she was the one for us. When we were introduced to her we fell in love....

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#536 Frieda

Frieda crossed the rainbow bridge last Thursday. Although we enjoyed her for only 2 plus years, we really felt like she had landed in a happy place. She was suffering from congestive heart failure with loads of tumors, some bleeding into her lungs. Her end was quick and hopefully painless. If only humans could get the same dignity. Thanks for allowing us to share time with this wonderful dog. Will Click here to see Freida's original bio page (and more...

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#514 Dawson

Dawson GSRNE #514 1/18/2017 - 1/12/2020    Click for more photos of Dawson Password: Dawson Dawson was a quiet boy. He would go about his day either chewing his bone or carrying his squeaky toy long ball. He was slow to trust, but then bonded very deeply with those in his circle. He liked to sit with you close by and kept an eye on you, in case you should get up and move into another room. He would pick up his toy and follow to settle in again. He liked his blanket over a dog bed...

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#508 Jasmine

We lost our beloved guide and companion the first week of the New Year. Jasmine was having some mobility issues the past couple of years and medication seemed to help. But at the end of October 2023, we noticed that she was not engaging with us as usual and her back legs were weakening. She collapsed on New Year’s Day and stopped eating. We knew that we had to make a decision soon for her. Our hearts and home are missing the most wonderful dog. My husband is missing his favorite walking...

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#499 Willi

Willi GSRNE #499 2/14/2009 - 6/2020    It is with sad and heavy hearts that we had to say goodbye to our very sweet boy, Willi. It took us by surprise and it hit us hard. We had come to nickname him "Brother," as he and Magnum were often causing mischief together, like good brothers do. Their morning wrestling matches were a ritual that both enjoyed tremendously, although the overturned chairs, dishes, and humans weren't always thrilled about them. Although we only had him in our lives for...

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#487 Stella

Stella GSRNE #487 2011 - 8/2018   Click for more photos of Stella Password: Stella    Beautiful, sweet Stella came to GSRNE in 2017 when she was 7 years old, and her foster family fell in love with her on Day 1 and adopted this wonderful girl. Several months later, Stella’s appetite was not good and she lost interest in play. Her family took her to the vet, who found that Stella was in renal failure. They got a second opinion, and the second vet found that Stella also had a tumor...

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