If you’ve adopted a GSRNE rescue dog and would like to have their information included here, please email us at happytails@gsrne.org! If you’ve already sent in a story and pictures, but don’t see it appear here within a few days, please email us again to be sure we received it!

We love reading these Happy Tails stories! They make all the hard work and expense worth while! This is what rescue is all about!

#663 Akylla

Hello,  I did not want today to pass without sharing a memory . One year ago today Peter was kind enough to drop Akylla off to us.  She came right in and knew she was safe,  I tried hard to stay focused as a foster,  loving and caring for her while she gained confidence but as soon as we saw her kind and gentle eyes we knew she was in her forever home .  And then the unimaginable happened ... and the rest is history .  Thank you for trusting...

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#660 Odin

Hello,  I did not want today to pass without sharing a memory . One year ago today Peter was kind enough to drop Akylla off to us.  She came right in and knew she was safe,  I tried hard to stay focused as a foster,  loving and caring for her while she gained confidence but as soon as we saw her kind and gentle eyes we knew she was in her forever home .  And then the unimaginable happened ... and the rest is history .  Thank you for trusting us....

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#640 Jax

Hi Tina, Jax is doing very well. He has overcome quite a few fears and bad behaviors in the past year.  He loves people, other dogs, and children. He gets lots of exercise (me too) and now loves to go places in the car. We still work biweekly with a trainer to reinforce his retraining. His best friend is a two-year old GSD named Alfie, who he plays with every weekend. In general, he is a very happy, gentle GSD. Oh, and he happens to be absolutely gorgeous.   I am so grateful to the GSRNE...

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#623 – Luna

Hi Karen! Happy Summer ☀️I hope you are all enjoying the season and staying cool! I'm sending along some photos of Luna. What a sweet and special dog she is! She weighed in at 87.8 pounds at the vet yesterday for a checkup. She's a happy girl playing with her family and is best friends with our neighbor dog and Stefan who lives in the next town over. Happy tails....

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#608 – Howie

Howie and Elsie are doing well together.  I took it really slow but I think it paid off.  I had them loose at times in the house a few weeks ago but just started having them free together in the yard with the bigger fenced in area.  Howie can be a bit vocal during times of excitement which made Elsie not interested in the relationship.  Now that he has come down a notch I feel comfortable having them together. This weekend we are going on a field trips for 3-4 days up North. I’m going to...

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#591 Oscar

Oscar is doing well.  His Mom told us he’s the super star of his agility classes.  He also loves chasing tennis balls!

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#590 Pepper

Pepper is an ongoing project, but she is the sweetest puppy.  She’s full of love for us and her brother Casper, but for no one else. Her favorite person in the whole world is her dad. They go for daily morning walks with him and play ball with me in the afternoon.  Her manners are excellent and the stress she previously showed about noises of any and all kinds is all but gone.  All in all she is doing very...

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#586 Tucker

Tucker was our best gift of the year! He has filled our lives, hearts and home with so much fun and love. Grateful for everything you and GSRNE have done to make it happen. 🐾💕Happy and Healthy New Year! 🎉     “Happy 5th Birthday to Tucker, the best addition to our family that we ever could’ve hoped for. Thank you to everyone at GSRNE for this very special boy who makes us happy every day.” Wishing you and your family a Happy 4th of July !...

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#571 Kali

Kali and I have been busy traveling all over from NY to Northern Maine visiting and snowmobiling. She has come such a long way and listens unbelievably.  Recently with all the snow, she has been able to see the deer we feed during the winter.  I have her set were as soon as she sees them, I say “ah” to get her attention and she ignores them.  Fortunately the deer can hop the cattle fence but Kali can’t. I am very proud of her behavior and look forward to introducing more things to...

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