With sad hearts and fond memories of our beloved pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge…

When one of our beloved pets pass away, that pet goes to a place called Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

ALL the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then together you and your special pet(s) cross the Rainbow Bridge.

#094 Maggie

We can't tell you how much we love Maggie (GSRNE "Xena"). We adopted her at 4 months and she is now just over a year and a half and we can't remember what we did without her. Maggie loves to chase about 100 tennis balls in our back yard. She will run from end to end and drop the ball in her mouth at your feet as she flies by chasing after another ball heading in the opposite direction. She plays until she is wiped out and then likes to curl up in front of a fire on her doggie bed to take a...

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#093 Tai Bo

Tai Bo (now Jayco) was turned into GSRNE because he was abandoned at a grooming shop. The owners dropped him off and just never returned. When they were called to "come and pickup their pet," they told the shop owner that they had no intention of coming back. Tai was a lively adolescent when he arrived and quite a handful. With a delightful sense of humor, he could be trying at times, but his sweet and bouncy nature made him lots of friends. He learned some manners in foster care and...

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#091 Haley

Haley GSRNE #091 ? - 01/2005   It is with deep regret and sadness that we have had to put our beloved Haley, GSRNE #91 to sleep. It was a very painful decision for Elaine and myself to make. Two years ago we had her x-rayed and our vet informed us that her hips, spine and two front legs were deteriorating very badly. We tried very hard to make life easier for her, putting her on pain medicine and building a ramp for her to enter the house. The last two weeks were very difficult for...

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#091 Haley

We adopted Haley about two years ago. She is absolutely one of the best gifts we have ever received. From the night she arrived in our home, she has brought nothing but joy to us. Sometimes we look at her and wonder how we got so lucky. Everywhere we go, people will stop us and tell us how beautiful she is. Recently we were walking with her in the Blue Hill woods and two Park Rangers came along. We immediately thought, oh no they are going to tell us we can not have a dog in this area....

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#084 Olivia

Olivia GSRNE #084 1998? - 8/16/2006   GSRNE is sad to announce that Olivia, GSRNE #84 has passed on. She was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and within just a few weeks she was gone. Fortunately, she was sick only a short time, but everything happened so fast that her owners, Lisa and Bob, can't believe she is gone. They were at her side and held her until the...

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#080 Abby

Abby GSRNE #080 8/08/1996 - 9/05/2008   Sadly, my parents' beloved white German Shepherd Abby passed away on Friday afternoon. Her 12th birthday would have been this coming October 8th. All of the Steins miss her very much. Thank you to German Shepard Rescue New England for all of the wonderful years we had with her. Abby was a very special dog, she was always ready with a tail wag and a greeting. An ambassador for the household, always greeting people and wanting pats (as well as...

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#070 Hank

Hank GSRNE #070 1996 - 2008   I was researching German Shepherd Rescue in the US since there were no groups in Canada at that time and found the very best in New England – that’s where I saw Hank.   Somehow that boy knew he was destined to be with Rob.  I’m not quite sure how he did it, but after a few weeks and many many email messages and phone calls, and a 24-hour drive from Toronto to New England and back, the adoption was complete. From the minute Hank laid eyes on Rob, no one...

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#068 Xander

Xander GSRNE #068 1992 - 10/05/2005   After 6 very rewarding years, Saturday brought the final moments for our handsome sweet boy, still standing, with dignity. His hips and hind legs wouldn't hold him up very well at all anymore, and he collapsed often, was getting stuck in his doorless crate (he loved that crate-his own personal wolf den-nice!!) quite a bit, and even the 3 steps out on the deck were getting to be a real problem. It wasn't just the arthritis, but also spondolosis, the...

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#060 Sierra

Sierra (was Yetta) GSRNE #060 Adopted in June 1999   Sierra was found on the streets of Boston when she was only a few months old. After using up her time at the shelter, GSRNE stepped in and saved her. She came to live with us and sister-dogs Parlay, Cindi and Jasmine in 1999 when she was about 6 months old. She was "adopted" by Cindi when we brought her home, who thought we'd gotten her specifically to be "her puppy". She is best friends with Jasmine, and they love to do things...

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#014 Ginger

Ginger GSRNE #014 1996? - 2/25/2009   Ginger is having her last night tonight (Feb 25, 2009). We adopted her in May of 1997 from the German Shepherd Rescue of New England. She was 9 months old. From the moment she entered our home, she was part of the family. From a skinny, pointed-nosed puppy, she grew to be a beautiful, loving, sweet "pretty girl." A lovely disposition, friendly to all but cats, skunks and squirrels, and she loved to chase her tail with the command "Tail!" Ginny took...

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