With sad hearts and fond memories of our beloved pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge…

When one of our beloved pets pass away, that pet goes to a place called Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

ALL the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then together you and your special pet(s) cross the Rainbow Bridge.

#119 Abby

Abby GSRNE #119 1999? - 6/12/2013   We are very sad to announce the passing of Abby to the rainbow bridge. Our dwarf German Shepherd Dog, Abby, aka "The Abster" is so much fun! She is a small dog with a very BIG personality. After several weeks of heartache following the loss of our first dwarf GSD and best friend, Brandon, at the age of 7, we came across the GSRNE website and saw Abby's picture. Another dwarf! We had been hoping for 7 years to meet another dwarf and there she was....

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#117 Maverick

Maverick GSRNE #117 ? - 10/10/2005   Mavy crossed the bridge. Maverick gave his all to us for as long as he could and didn't quit despite how tired he really was. We made a very difficult decision for us, that was the best thing we could have done for Mav, we gave him peace. A rest from his allergies and itchies and chronic ear infections. Our boy was never anything less than a PERFECT gentleman and always gave so much more than was ever expected of him. Loyal and loving to a fault,...

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#117 Maverick

  Maverick was a lonely boy for awhile; he sat awaiting his Forever Home for a year and a half while in the care of GSRNE foster homes. He is a special needs kind of guy that has some serious allergies and required some special care. Poor Mav waited and waited and not one person went to see him -- until I saw his face on the web page. I knew it was love at first sight and there was just something about this boy that drew him to me. The more I looked, the more I knew it was meant to be....

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#115 Christy

Christy GSRNE #115 ? - 01/2004   I truly believe that Christy chose me as much as I chose her.  She was a very gentle soul.  Extremely shy but very proud and dignified.  She loved to play, loved going to work with me, and never said no to a walk.  In the short time we were together she was a wonderful surrogate mom to an eight week old foster pup, a loving companion to a very sick older visiting dog, and joyful playmate to a young male foster dog.  Instinctively she became a kind...

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#111 Fina

Update: Hey! HEY! Don't scroll by so fast! This is an update to my story. That's right, I'm Fina. I bet you're tired of reading that old story (below) about how silly I looked learning to walk on a leash. Trust me, five years later (has it really been that long?), I've figured out how to do it. I'd still rather run free, but that's what got me in trouble way back when I was barely out of my puppyhood. The dog-catcher (okay, Animal Control Officer) caught me running the streets of a small...

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#109 Dargo

Dargo is wonderful. He is very outgoing and friendly with every dog and person he meets. Everyone is a potential friend. He loves day care so we try to make it there once a week. I knew Dargo was meant to be with us -- the first night he was with us he put his back up against me and gave me his belly to rub. We are incredibly grateful to Jack Himmelsbach, who fostered Dargo for 8 months and gave him a wonderful foundation and lots of love, too! Dargo is so sociable that I try to give him as...

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#107 Zoe

The best of all possible dogs is doing just fine. Zoe is such a joy! Last summer we went to camp in Maine for a week and she thought that was pretty special, although she didn't want to swim she did walk in the water to cool her under belly. It was 95 degrees every day the week that we were there and it was great to be in Maine on the water. Other years it has been too cold to swim-not so this year. (Here it was even over 100o that week.) She did love to go with me in the row boat for a...

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Kelly's Pillows

#102 Kelly

 Kelly GSRNE #102   Kelly was purchased by her previous owner as a puppy and then tied outside for 3 years. The owner bred her, then left her to have her puppies outside, alone in the winter elements. The puppies all died of exposure. Eight weeks later, the owner dumped Kelly at a shelter and told them to have her put to sleep. The shelter workers walked her down the hall to have her PTS but she was such a happy girl that wagged her tail and gave everyone kisses that they just couldn't...

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#097 Bonnie

Bonnie GSRNE #97 1996? - 7/27/2002   It is with the heaviest of hearts and the greatest sadness that we must tell you that Bonnie has gone to the Bridge. We all have had dogs whom we've loved dearly and then lost. You love some in one way, and others in other ways, each one worming his or her special way into your heart for different reasons. You love them, care for them, worry about them, enjoy their company, and eventually sadly, you bury them. While we love them all, once in awhile...

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#095 Gunner

Gunner GSRNE #095 1991? - July 22, 2002   From Marie: Gunner was my foster dog for 4 months until he was adopted by Sue and Jim, who fell in love with him immediately upon meeting him!  Gunner came to GSRNE from a shelter, where he had landed because his owners' neighbors all had Golden Retrievers, and these owners decided that they wanted a Golden too.  So Gunner was taken to a shelter, left to an uncertain fate, because he wasn't a Golden Retriever.  Lucky for him, GSRNE was able to...

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