With sad hearts and fond memories of our beloved pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge…

When one of our beloved pets pass away, that pet goes to a place called Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

ALL the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then together you and your special pet(s) cross the Rainbow Bridge.

#233 Raven

Raven GSRNE #233 2003 - 10/13/14  It is with great sadness that I write these words. I had to put my beautiful, gentle Raven #233 to sleep this morning. She was 11.5 years old. I adopted her when she was 5 years old and was fortunate to have her for 6.5 years. Not nearly long enough, but I guess it never is. Thank you GSRNE for allowing her in my life. Laurie Wormwood     Background by GSRNE: Back in March 2008, we got a call asking for help for Raven, a 5-year-old black female...

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#230 Reno

Reno GSRNE #230 Adopted in March 2008  Reno was found wandering with a female dog in a state forest and was picked up by the animal control officer. Both appeared to be purebred GSDs, approximately 2 years old. He was kept by the ACO for a few months during which time they were unable to locate his owner. It was felt that they may have come from a breeding facility where they had escaped or just "let go" as dogs they didn't want to breed further. The ACO named the male, Colonel and the...

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#225 Lex

A Halloween Tale  by Chris Harriman  October is a month that we are used to seeing skeletons and witches, and enjoy listening to scary horror stories. This is one horror story involving a living skeleton that we'll never forget & would like to share it with you.                                      The woman knew that something was wrong. Though it was dark, she noticed that there were people in a car with a video camera and that there were two dogs running around the vicinity of the...

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#224 Delilah

Delilah GSRNE #224 Adopted on February 2, 2008   It is true what they say about "love at first sight." My husband David and I have now experienced it and we know it exists. Love at first sight was what we felt that Saturday morning when we first laid eyes on Delilah at the home of her foster father Danny Thompson. Watching her skip around Danny's kitchen, nudging and chasing her foster brother Rocky, it was obvious that she was smart and curious and playful, but that she was also shy...

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#216 Eli

Eli GSRNE #216 2006 - 7/14/2020    Click for more photos of Eli Password: Elijah It is with the saddest of hearts that we inform you, Eli (GSRNE #216) passed away yesterday at the age of 13 1/2. We adopted him from GSRNE when he was 8 months old. He was a spirited, incredibly loving dog who could be quite goofy at times. He loved to chase the rabbits and squirrels in our yard, play fetch, go for walks, eat cookies, and he would snuggle endlessly. He liked peanut butter, chicken and any...

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#213 Bear

Bear GSRNE #213 2008? - 8/25/2017    Click for more photos of Bear Password: Bear It is with great sadness that we were informed of Bear's passing. He was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma three weeks earlier, and the tumor was growing ferociously fast. His last day was filled with quality attention, coat brushing, a walk in the park with his doggie girlfriend KC, and cheese. He is greatly missed, and the house feels far too empty without...

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#211 Abby

Abby GSRNE #211 2001 - April 4, 2015  Abby's story, like many of GSRNE's dogs, has a sad beginning. Abby lived her first seven years in a loving home, with four children and a male dog. When her owners got a divorce, her world was split in half; the two dogs stayed with the husband, and the children went with the wife. Abby had loved "her kids" and missed them, but she still had her canine buddy. The new arrangement was short-lived, however, because there was a bad fire in the home. Abby's...

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#209 Zeus

Zeus GSRNE #209 2005 - 4/2019 Click for more photos of Zeus Password: Zeus The worst part about owning a dog is having to say goodbye, and no matter how long we have them in our lives, that goodbye always feels far too soon. Zeus, GSRNE #209 just celebrated his 14th birthday last week and suddenly he took a turn for the worse and loss all mobility in his rear legs. Our hearts are sorely broken, but we felt so fortunate to have had such a beautiful, loyal creature for so many years--twelve...

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#208 Eragon

Eragon GSRNE #208 2006 - 11/4/2018    Click for more photos of Eragon Password: Eragon We were shocked and our hearts saddened to hear of the sudden and unexpected loss of Eragon. He was a large, confident, beautiful male who was always a big presence with a loud bark at all our GSRNE events. Eragon came to GSRNE at the tender age of 6 months, when he was found wandering the streets of Worcester. Adopted in 2007, it was only a few years later that Eragon gave back to the Rescue that saved...

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#207 Rocket

Rocket GSRNE #207 5/2006 - 3/13/2016   It is with great sadness we announce that 'Rocket' --GSRNE #207 crossed the bridge. This wonderful boy came to GSRNE when he was just a small puppy and quickly became a GSRNE favorite. One of the best and well-loved ambassadors for our rescue and his breed, you could always find him at our events standing besides his proud mom. A few years ago, Rocket auditioned for and quickly landed the lead K9 role for the movie "Footprints." He had a pretty...

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