#675 Zeus

Status: Adopted
Age: 4 years
Size: Med to Large
Color: Black and Tan
Sex: Male
Activity level: Medium to High
Good with other dogs: some if properly introduced
Good with cats: unknown
Foster parents: Travis R
Sponsor Buddies:
Yard Fencing: Required

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Password: Zeus
Photos by: Loueen LaVallee

Date Adopted: May 7, 2024

Zeus is a handsome, sweet mannered boy.  He was originally rescued by a young man who saved him from an abusive home.  He was very loved by this young man for 3 years, but due to circumstances beyond his control, Zeus needed to be rehomed.  We had a new applicant with young children looking for a good family dog.  When we told them about Zeus, they thought he sounded like a great fit.  Since his arrival, Zeus is making himself right at home.  His new dad notes that Zeus already has a good training foundation and they are brushing up on leash manners and recall.  He was introduced to the neighbor’s golden retriever and they get along well, but he really wants to just be around his people, especially his new kids.  He loves playing fetch and is extremely well behaved.  His new dad says he hit the lottery with him.  We are so happy for Zeus and his new family and we can’t wait to hear of all their adventures to come.