
Status: Available
Age: 1 year (12/28/2022)
Size: Medium to Large
Color: Black and Tan
Sex: Female
Activity level: medium to high
Good with other dogs: With proper introduction
Good with cats: No
Foster parents: Jen P
Sponsor Buddies: Carol B., AMY C
Yard Fencing: Required

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Password: Stella
Photos by: Loueen LaVallee

I am a young GSD who would love to come live with you and be loved by you and your family. Would you like to be my forever home? I am a very happy and healthy girl who has learned how to be a good dog and how to love and trust my people.

I am a very sweet girl and love to be with the grandkids in my foster home. I love to be with other dogs too and adore running and playing with them. I live with a GSD male that I enjoy playing with a lot.

They tell me that my right front leg is a bit deformed and splits in two partway up. However, I have no problems running with it and don’t even notice it’s different. The rescue folks say I have no health issues or concerns and took me for x-rays and a consultation to see if anything should be done for my leg. They found that nothing needs to be done and I move and run very well. They don’t want to fix something that isn’t broken (as they say) for simply cosmetic reasons. However, they say if anything arises with my leg later in life, GSRNE will support my adopters with the needed treatment.

I will be a wonderful companion to my forever family and will always be your loving and attentive German Shepherd Dog. Please give me a chance – I’m really a wonderful girl who would love to be yours. Please consider adopting me……..come and meet me and you will see I am great !!! (Everyone tells me so)