#677 Riley

Status: Adopted
Age: 2 years (12-21-2021)
Size: med
Color: Black and Tan
Sex: Female
Activity level: medium to high
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: Yes
Foster parents: Maria A
Sponsor Buddies:
Yard Fencing: Required

Photos by:

Adopted: June 8, 2024

We received an urgent request from a humane society looking for help with Riley, a 2 year old German Shepherd female recently surrendered into their care.  They’d learned during her early life that it was suspected she’d been abused and kept in a closet up to 23 hours a days.  Once safe, she was given much-needed medical exams where x-rays showed that both of her femurs had been severely fractured and didn’t heal properly because she’d received no medical treatment.  This has left Riley with gait abnormalities, but it didn’t stop little Riley as she loved to run in the yard playing with balls and stuffies.  At the shelter, Riley was good with dogs and cats and friendly to people once introduced.  It was clear what a sweetheart of a dog she was and that she would certainly make someone a wonderful addition to the family.

We had Riley evaluated by an orthopedic vet and it was felt that not doing surgery to correct the deformities was actually the best option for her.  We knew we needed to find a place for Riley  and put out a plea to our members.  We had our pleas answered by a fantastic family who could see beyond the physical and wanted to give Riley a loving home.  They have been teaching Riley the house manners she’d never learned as well as basic training.  Because of their love, devotion, patience, and care, Riley will never be abused or neglected again.  Welcome to your happily ever after Riley and family!