Riley II
GSRNE #220
Riley is a grand guy….He settled in quite fast, met friends and a few of their dogs without any real problems. He has his bed in our bedroom and a blanket in the living room…seems he loves the warmth from the wood stove last winter.
Riley stays with me in the yard, but does sneak off now and then through the wood about 150 feet to the neighbors house to play with Jack their black lab, then they both come back ….wanting cookies!
His first camping trip was interesting. The first day it was a lot of looking and smelling around, meeting people and other dogs on the walking tour. However, he didn’t like the idea of other dogs walking by HIS campsite. By the next day he would only bark if the dogs walked next to his site and not on the roads further away, but on the third day it was just too much work (he was on vacation after all) and just forgot about the barking and enjoyed the grass and the sun.
We had both our dogs out on our old Chris craft “yachting” on the lake. He was a bit nervous the first 10 minutes or so, then he settled down, laid out on the forward seat with me and watched everything going on–happy as a clam.