Making a Difference for German Shepherd Dogs in Need

You Can Help

Help German Shepherd Rescue of New England, Inc. place these wonderful dogs by making a generous donation today.


Please note: If you have adopted one of our dogs and would like to have his/her info included here, please email

Also, if you have already sent in a story and pictures and don’t see it appear here within a few days, please ping me again to be sure I got it.

We all LOVE reading these Happy Tails stories. They make all the hard work and expense worthwhile. This is what rescue is all about!

#660 Odin

Hello,  I did not want today to pass without sharing a memory . One year ago today Peter was kind enough to drop Akylla off to us.  She came right in and knew she was safe,  I tried hard to stay focused as a foster,  loving and caring for her while she gained confidence but as soon as we saw her kind and gentle eyes we knew she was in her forever home .  And then the unimaginable happened … and the rest is history .  Thank you for trusting us.