Making a Difference for German Shepherd Dogs in Need

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We all LOVE reading these Happy Tails stories. They make all the hard work and expense worthwhile. This is what rescue is all about!

#475 Wolfgang

Update on 8/18/2017:

Wolfgang’s Mom says- “It is hard to put into words how much Wolfgang has affected my family.  He is the star of our show.  His energy keeps us moving, whether it’s playing fetch, taking walks or discovering new things in the backyard with us, where he prefers to be.  We still can’t get him in the pool, though.  He’ll venture to the first step and that’s it.  But to keep him cool outside, the hose always serves its purpose.  We are endlessly amused watching Wolfgang biting the water.  We have completed the first phase of training and will begin the second at the end of Sept..  Wolfgang’s response to training went so well that we thought that to continue it would be beneficial to all.
We were gone for a week in July and Kris took Wolfgang for the week.  What a relief that was.  It was comical to see how much we missed him and how eager we were to pick him back up.  He has truly become a family member.  We take Wolfgang to baseball games quite a bit (my son plays, is an outstanding pitcher and was scouted last week by the Seattle Mariners  –  I just had to brag about that).  Wolfgang loves meeting people and is always the center of attention.  His gorgeous classic German Shepherd looks, I believe, are a “lost breed” over the years so Wolfgang makes a statement wherever he goes.”


Adopted on 05/12/2017


This young male got off to a good start in his original home; he was well-loved and well-socialized and had some obedience training.  When his owner learned that his job would require a move to the west coast and a lot of weekly travel, he made the decision to find a new home for Wolfgang and called GSRNE.

In foster care, Wolfgang is living with a senior male GSD and a small-breed female who knows how to keep the boys in line.  Their foster Mom owns a daycare and grooming business, so her dogs get daily exercise and socialization; this has been great for Wolfgang, at his young and impressionable age.

We are told that he loves playing ball and is still learning the part about bringing the ball all the way back.  He has a great time with soft squeaky toys but also likes to take them apart.  His favorite toy is a plastic water bottle, and he’ll carry one around, crunch it, crinkle it and continue to play with it even after it’s been squished flat.  He’s very treat-motivated and is still learning to not grab too enthusiastically when a treat is offered.

Wolfgang has not been exposed to a cat, as far as we know, but we think he could learn to respect one, given time and patience.  He’s good with other dogs who are friendly and interested in playing, but he has no patience for aggressive dogs.  He has a good energy level and will need a family who wants to include him in daily activities, take him for walks, play in the yard and enjoy his company in the house.

Fortunately for Wolfgang, we have a family already approved to adopt and who have been waiting a long time for a dog like him.  They’ve recently met him and will be signing the adoption contract in the next few days.  We look forward to following Wolfgang’s progress and to sharing updates with our GSRNE friends and supporters!