German Shepherd Rescue of New England, Inc.

Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge

#472 Kai

Kai was a one of a kind dog; the most unique of all of the Shepherds we have had. Highly food motivated, really loved his people and could not care less about other dogs he encountred on his walks except for one in our neighborhood that received his ire for reasons only he knew. Active to the very end, he loved his daily routine which included car rides with his people, be it to get coffee or to go to the local state park. He was well known at every drive-thru window in town and was especially fond of Pup Cups at Starbucks. A big dog, he was nonetheless gentle with his only fault being that he tried to greet every new human friend by jumping on them. He was predeceased in December 2021 by his sister, Bella, GSRNE # 308, who was a special dog in her own right.