GSRNE #151
2001 – 6/10/15
It is with broken hearts that we report that Calli died on Wednesday June 10th.
Both Calli and I got salmonella, and she wasn’t doing too well to begin with. She had lost a lot of weight and she was real skinny. The salmonella was too much for her at her age (14 years old). But she went out memorably… As she was dying, I tried to put some water in her mouth to make her more comfortable. She chomped down on my hand biting my finger. She died later that day, lying in her favorite place in the front hall.
We miss her every day. But we feel we gave her the best life a dog could ever want. She and I went on an hour-long hike in the woods 340 days a year. Only heavy rain or snow kept us from our hike. She also was our official farm dog. She would supervise me and keep an eye out for coyotes as I worked on my farm. I’m going to really miss that. And even though she got lots of love, it was food that made her the most happy. She did real well on that too. It’s good to live with a Johnson and Wales chef in the house.
Thank you for giving us an unbelievably great dog that we had for 11 years.
Ed & Linda