Thanks to everyone who’s read Wayde’s story, and to those who have helped.
Wayde finished his obedience class and received this fabulous certificate! What a smart boy!
He’s still got energy, but the lymph node tumors are slowly growing. The ones on his back legs are almost walnut-sized, and the two in his chest are even larger. Several
small growths form a lumpy mass under his chin and he’s got small lumps in his armpits. He doesn’t appear to be in any pain, but some positions are obviously not comfortable. When the discomfort starts to overshadow the good times we’ll know it’s time to release him from this body.
We’ve cut his walks short on the coldest days. Even with the weight gain he’s still got almost no visible body fat for insulation.
Judging from the size of his front paws he should be an 80+ pound dog. He did enjoy the warm weather this weekend and had a fine time romping in the new snow.
What makes this especially sad for me is that Wayde has the personality to be a great therapy dog. As a volunteer EMT I’d love to have a dog I could bring into the hospital. He’s wagged at everyone he’s met since we’ve had him, and delights in washing the face of the vet’s 3-year-old daughter when we go in to use the scale. But I’m afraid we’re going to run out of time…
He’s been a gift. Every day he finds a way to make us smile despite the tears. Thank you all for helping us give him a good life for the time he has left.
Wayde’s foster Mom and Dad
A warm house, soft rug and a new chew bone! Life is good…
Feb. 25, 2007 update: We’ve had a few signs that we may be reaching a turning point with Wayde. A couple of nights this week it seemed he couldn’t get comfortable, and kept getting up and changing beds. At daycare, he still enjoys playing but he’s choosing to rest more. And we’ve seen a slight weight loss with no change in diet in the last two weeks.
Feb. 17 66.9 lbs. Feb 24 66.5 lbs.
On the plus side, he’s still a ball-chasing, bone-chewing fool! We went for an hour hike today and after a slow start he bounced down the last hill with his tail flying. It might have just been because we were heading home for lunch, as he does love his food, but it was nice to see.
Did I hear you say we’re going for a hike?
Come on, you guys keep up! It’s a gorgeous day, almost feels like Spring.
Okay…I need a rest. Get out the camera for a few good shots,
then let’s head back. It’s almost lunchtime!
Boy, you sure are a good cook! That is smelling pretty good.
Is lunch ready yet? My tummy’s rumbling.
Finally a full belly! Boy, did that hike tire me out. Wake me up for dinner…
March 4, 2007. Wayde had a few bad nights but then bounced back, and even put on weight. We are all very happy!
March 12, 2007 Wayde relaxes on his bed by his foster sister, Tess
Wayde relaxes on his bed by his foster sister, Tess
March 18, 2007 Wayde gained .4 – so he’s 68.8 pounds. Total weight gain is 14.5 pounds!
He’s grown all the fur back onto his elbow pads and they’re turning white again.
He’s holding steady and, in the vet’s words, “living harmoniously with his cancer.” What a dog!
I can’t believe there’s snow out there again!
Snow’s not so bad with my handsome new bandana…
but I do wish dad would be a little quicker with tossing those balls!
Ready…set….jump!! You can’t get it by me…I’m King of the tennis balls
One’s getting away! Don’t worry, I’ll get it.