Wayde’s life has changed drastically from the
shelter life he was in. He loves to hike in the snow!
[sws_pullquote_left]Not only did he put on weight but his coat became a beautiful white and the black spots on his elbows slowly disappeared. He became very handsome. There was hope for this dog and he showed us that he wanted to get better. [/sws_pullquote_left]
Wayde soon settled into his new life. He currently resides with a white female GSD, and they have learned how to get along together. They go for long walks and hikes together, lay side-by-side sleeping or enjoying a rubber bone. They have become fast friends.
Wayde is such a nice dog: he has a lovable, huggable, sweet temperament. He loves his foster home very much and has undergone a huge change in his health and emotions in the time he has been with them. Wayde is a Velcro dog who loves to be with his people. He especially loves having his foster dad toss the ball for him. It’s the number one thing he likes to do, though he thought hiking in the nearby mountains was pretty cool, too!
Not only did he put on weight but his coat became a beautiful white and the black spots on his elbows slowly disappeared. He became very handsome. There was hope for this dog and he showed us that he wanted to get better.
Wayde is such a happy, loving boy
Wayde doesn’t like to be away from his people for long and howls when they leave. He also needs to be fed throughout the day due to his EPI. Since Wayde’s foster mom and dad work all day, we decided to enroll Wayde in the same daycare his foster sister goes to and he currently attends 5 days a week. The people who work there have fallen in love with this gentle soul. He loves going to daycare and playing with the other dogs, especially the females. The staff has dubbed him Casanova, since he woos all the female dogs.
Wayde is fighting EPI, Lyme & Lymphosarcoma cancer, yet still loves life (and his toys and balls).
Shortly after going to foster care, Wayde was diagnosed with Lyme disease. This is very common in New England, and can cause loss of appetite, fever and lethargy, so this confused health matters.