I wanted to send you a story about Sport. I believe you originally had him in Wayland before he was sent to the Blue Dog Shelter in Brockton. His picture is still on your website. I adopted Sport Christmas week of 2003. He was such a great companion not only to me but to my other dog Mittens. Sadly he was diagnosed with lymphoma in November 2004. He went through 4 months of chemo at NEVOG in Waltham under the care of a wonderful vet, Dr. Kim Cronin. Just when he was finished with chemo treatments in April he become weak and was diagnosed with hermangiosarcoma, a cancer of the pericardium of the heart.
I don’t want this to be a sad tale about Sport but rather a tale of how he was loved to the end. I had the joy of making him part of my family and in that short time I had him he was awesome. I am including a picture of Sport and his sister Mittens on the deck in happier times. Keep up the good work.